Unpublished Stories

   Instramental Misfits  Collection

Dive Bar Beauty Queen

This story is one you’ve heard many times before. However, it is not about the bad boy musician who meets a good girl, or even how they fall in love. It’s not about how they live the struggling musician lifestyle of fast food, sleeping in vans and crappy pay, or  about the good girl who works her butt off running the merch table, booking gigs, networking and writing his songs. The happy ending does not even happen when she marries the Bad Boy as he becomes mega-famous.

The real story happens years later when she is divorced and forgotten.

Kat Williams finishes up the dishes in the beatup sink behind the  bar, grabs a rag to wipe her hands off and walks onto a small stage. She picks up a beat-up old banjo and the minute her metal finger picks hit the strings, pure country music magic happens that makes every boot in the room stomp to her finger pickin’ rhythm.

Here’s the thing. Unlike every other night, not everyone in the audience is a local.

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The Orchestra Pit

Stix McGee has never fit into a box. She’s the bass player for one of the biggest country music bands on the charts and her full figure, rockabilly style stands out in the sea of cowboy hats. That story has been told time, and time again, and holds little consequence to the journey that is about to unfold. 

It takes one fateful night of drinking over a broken heart and Stix passing out on her couch that will lead to a friend discovering a secret passion laying around on her counter. They not only take a peek, they steal it and submit that manuscript into a competition hosted by some of the most prestigious music schools in the country.

When it gets accepted, let’s just say the educational scholars don’t welcome her sparkling personality with open arms when she walked into the room. They only judged what they saw before them, and that wasn’t a muti-platinum, grammy winning artist.

Little do they know, their judgements only fuels the fire and with the help of her crazy friends, Stix is about to shatter their boring mold like Mentos in a coke bottle.

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  Dreamfield Series

The Hidden Jules

She’s not your average girl. Her talent so exceptional as a kid, she lost the gold medal intentionally and without anyone noticing. Now she is all grown up, and with the help of her crazy friends, becomes the silent owner of her own extreme sport park where she can break records behind closed doors. That is, until a sports agent tries to gain access to her arena for a public event. His unannounced presence exposes her abilities and brings out enemies she didn’t know she had. Now she must use those abilities to save her beloved sports park.
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Gutter Queen

Raised on the streets and joining her first gang at ten years old, a girl with no family is thrown in prison. Her only escape is the poetry that flows from her head to an internal rhythm. Years later she is freed, but starting over is never easy. Her body is marked, the artwork showing her history, and she must hide to protect a friend still on the inside. With a son half her age to support and struggling to makes ends meet, fate intervenes and this woman has one chance to show the world what she’s got going on in her soul.
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Ex Madame

She was young and naive, marrying a man that wasn’t real. Discovering her husband is a maniacal crime boss, reality forces her into a life of servitude. Shackled by a wedding ring, she learns about survival in the ugly business of black market prostitution. Little did her husband know that his cruelty would make a warrior, unbreakable and determined to take him down at all cost. Barely escaping alive, this Ex Madame will join forces with her loyal brother and someone from her past to finally take her life back once and for all.
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   Stand Alone

Rhapsody Girl

Rhapsody Grey was a survivor. She survived the death of her father who was killed in the line of duty when she was a kid, a cloud of corruption hanging over his casket. She survived the streets of Detroit where she almost became a teenage statistic. Ten years later, she survived devastating abuse at the hands of a man that she thought loved her. But with survival comes some very strong walls and for Rhapsody White, only a handful of people in her life have a key inside.
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