The Orchestra Pit

Stix McGee is not your typical country music star with her tattoos and retro, full-figured betty page appearance. Lucky for her, she doesn’t need to look the part. As the bass player for the chart-topping country band, Dive Bar Beauty Queen, they are already at the top of their game and filling arenas worldwide. 

When their latest tour is finally over, Stix goes home to the little town of Chester and tries to hide from the world. Spinning in a pit of depression because of the loss of her best friend and the love of her life’s recent engagement, her pity party is in full swing. That is until her friends throw a wrench in her spiked punch.

Stix has been tutoring Winnie Baxter musically since she was a little girl. That little girl is all grown up and when Stix goes on a drunken bender one night, Winnie drives her home and discovers a quiet hobby that Stix had been hiding for years. Writing a multi-dimensional theater manuscript for a full Symphony Orchestra is like oil and water to country music. Never intending for anyone to see it, Stix is taken by surprise during a music lesson when Winnie admits that she has not only seen it, but made a copy and submitted it to an Ivy league music competition on behalf of St. Rosemary college. Her manuscript is not only funded, but Stix has access to a full roster of music students to fill the seats of every instrument she would need to make her manuscript come alive in a real performance.

It was like a dream come true but like most dreams, it comes to a halt when reality bites.

Crack has been the sound guy for Dive Beauty Queen since they truly were a dive bar band in their small town of Chester. In love with Stix since they were kids, he finally realizes that Stix would never feel the same and walks away. He leaves Dive Bar Beauty Queens tour to manage his own stage for one of the biggest rock bands on the charts. Years later, his business is thriving, and he gets engaged but he should have known coming home would be like spray paint on his white picket fence. He arrives just as he learns that Stix has a life changing opportunity, and she will need a stage manager to help with development and activation. There is no better choice in the field then him and everyone knows it so Crack volunteers his services because despite everything, Stix is still one of his closest friends.

With all the pieces in place, Stix begins preparation for her first practice but when she meets the director of the music program, he looks down his pointy nose at her and does whatever he can to sabotage her from the very first meeting. He eventually has her funding pulled do to a technicality in the rules but lucky for her, she has friends that refuse to let her quit. The journey to recovery evolves into a bumpy ride full of inappropriate banter and a team from all walks of life that will entertain you around every corner. Most importantly, Stix has a new vision for the performance. Winning takes a back seat to an unexpected revelation when Stix recruits a bunch of talented kids from some tough neighborhoods who have very little access to continued education. Stix is on a mission to help them and with the help of her band of Misfits, her passion to win for the sake of her kids takes over.

The only question is, will it fix a broken road to a life long friendship, or will it fork and send two broken hearts in opposite directions without ever circling back to each other again.