About Me

Christian Mayhem is my alter ego built on survival.
You will find me in a small town in upstate New York with my husband, two kids, my two dogs (Jessie and Don Julio), and two cats (One is a fatty and one is a diva). I work forty hours a week to pay my bills, and my hobbies include reading, writing, making stuff and walking to nowhere to daydream about my next adventure.
So, what got me writing? This has a very complicated answer.
Working in the world of fashion retail and casino development for half my life, I surrounded myself with a version of beauty that was very hard to compete with. It only grew more difficult as I got older and had children.
This led me on a path to self-discovery. It was a heartbreaking journey, but it ultimately saved me with a life-changing epiphany.
Everyone has a story. I chose to write mine down.
I wasn’t an author at this point. I had no idea how to write a book. I had hit the lowest time in my life and was truly broken. I was 37 years old trying to start over with 2 kids on my hip. I had no money, was going to school full-time, and working two part-time jobs. I was climbing up a very enormous hill and my emotions had become dead weight. I needed an escape.

I had this story following me throughout my entire life.
It became a means of escape for someone who had a very hard time making friends. I used to listen to my walkman on the bus to block out the noise, and I would imagine I was an ice skater whose abilities were hidden from the public. Then one day my current boy crush would discover me on the ice and fall instantly in love.
As I grew into a teenager, it wasn’t cool to be an ice skater anymore. I had to recreate myself. I was also bullied pretty heavily so my heroin evolved into a record-breaking rollerblader who could kick some ass.
So when I say everyone has a story, mine happened to be a work of fiction.

My imagination truly saved my life.
My journey evolved into personal acceptance. I have always been an expressive soul when it came to my sense of style. As I got older, I grew wiser. What I found is it’s not just about the clothes you wear, the shoes you walk in, or the fancy bling. If it is, then it’s not your genuine style but a fabricated version created by society. It is what inspires you, that passion inside your soul that makes your personal style stand out from everyone around you.
It is what makes you…you.
From this point on, I found the traditional views of style and beauty to be so dang boring. That boredom brought me here to you and inspired me to express myself through my newfound love of writing stories; of creating women who express themselves through survival and expression.
My heroines are strong, independent, non-traditional females like myself. My hope is they inspire you to find your own sense of style, not through material things but in your heart. I’ll take us on a multitude of adventures and hopefully, you will walk away a little bit braver than you were before.
I hope you join me on this journey.
#IamJules #AKA #ChristianMayhem