Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream, Discover.
 –Mark Twain 

Time is a valuable thing. To me, time is worth so much more than money because I can make more money. I can never make more time. Life is so full that I never have enough time in the day to do the things I enjoy like reading, creating and something as simple as daydreaming. When I do have some time to explore these activities, it has to be worth the valuable time that I devote.   

Time is Priceless
I need to be worth your time.

I would like to highlight some personal traits that could help you decide if I’m an author you would like to explore. From experience, there are some aspects of my writing that could make, or break your interest and I am going to list those key components to help you make that decision.  Why? Because I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. 

So here it goes…  

  1. I am a true rock and roll girl at heart. I am rough around the edges and make no excuses.
  2. I swear a lot and so do my characters. I try to limit it but I will not eliminate it.
  3. This is a big one.
    I was raised Catholic, but I am not religious. I consider myself a spiritual person who is looking      for peace and tranquility in my life. With that said, (Example) when I yell “Jesus Christ”, it is a         form of expression. Please believe me when I say, I mean no disrespect.
  4. I believe in the freedom to live how you choose with no judgement. My characters reflect that belief.
  5. I will always…..always have a happy ending. How I get there may be a bit crazy and you may need to crawl through some sadness to get there but it will never  end sad. The world is already sad enough.
  6. I will never sell a cliff hanger. I absolutely hate that shit. One book will always be one complete  story.
  7. One of my favorite phrases is ‘you attract more flies with honey than vinegar” because it is truly  a life lesson. I say quite frequently that I am a storyteller trying her hardest to be a writer. What      this means is, for me, storytelling is the easy part. Writing is hard. Writing is really, really, really  hard and until you’ve done it, you will never know how hard it is. I know that I had no damn idea what it meant to be a writer until I tried it. If you are interested in my crazy journey, read my journal post “Trying to be a writer from scratch” under the “Journal” tab. My point is, I am a designer by trade and I know that constructive criticism is needed for growth. I welcome it wholeheartedly and with that said, being a jerk will inspire my next voodoo doll.

This led me to my next question which is, how do I truly introduce myself to you? You can press the “About Me” tab to get my bio but if I could describe myself in one sentence, it would be this.  

My style is what makes me…Me.
(It has nothing to do with material possessions.)  

What the heck is that suppose to mean?  

 STYLE noun ˈstī(-ə)l   

  • a particular way in which something is done, created, or performed
  • particular form or design of something
  • a way of behaving or of doing things

The best way to get to know me is to take a moment and find me on Tiktok or Twitter via the little X below or direct, @JEllsworthHowe. Not only find me, I beg you to interact. I am a big fan of conversation and would love to meet those who have taken the time out of their valuable day to look me up. Twitter is literally a no man’s land. All thoughts posted are at risk of being lost for eternity. Interaction is the only way to avoid that abyss of X-land.  

-No Man’s Land –
Unoccupied  land under dispute and left unoccupied due to fear and uncertainty.  

I am not a betting woman because I lose every time so the chances of anyone paying attention are not in my favor. So what will I do? I will keep on writing for me. I just love it.  

One thing I have learned in this life is to accept myself for who I am, a risk taker who always chooses the road less traveled. I am taking a different approach to this new adventure and my writing includes everything that has influenced my style. I am a wife of a struggling musician of over twenty years and a design professional who has worked in retail/ casino development. I got stories and I got style.  

My personal style is influenced by all that surrounds me. My inspiration is my life; all the people I’ve met, the places I’ve seen, the dark days of life that taught me lesson after lesson and the happy times that make me so damn happy to be alive. I will be successful because of every experience in my life, both good and bad, because all of it together… is what’s made me…me.  

Diving into sadness made me realize I need happiness to breath.

I welcome you on my journey. Please stay in touch.